MHS Company Ltd. for the third year in a row demonstrates its social responsibility by supporting various youth projects. So this year financially supported International Swim Meet Youth for youth organized by the Association of Young teens – Sarajevo, in cooperation with the swimming club and the Olympic Pool Sporttime Isle. By participating in this project gained the title of General Sponsor of the project and thus enable the organizers to the project site in the better way.
Thanks to the funds sponsors, organizers have enabled a high quality program for both competitors and visitors to the event. It is thanks to such material interest in participation is a big swimming clubs, so their arrival announced legnedarni Borut Petric swimming coach, head coach of the South of Dubrovnik, and the Slovenian national team, which will result in two Slovenian reprezezentativke – Tanja Smid and SPEL Bohinc. Besides them, their arrival was announced and coach Branislav Kostic, who will come to the competition with Miroslav Najdanovski, that has developed over three Olympics and best European and world results, a gold medal and the Mediterranean record in the 100 m freestyle in Pescara, medals at the Universiade , semi-finals and finals of the European and world championships.
Consequently all of the above this will be the first time that a project of this nature take place in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim nomination for inclusion in the calendar of FINA (International Swimming Organization). Substituting into this calendar results achieved by the evaluated the rally would be to meet the standards for the European and World Championships and the Olympic Games would rally given greater importance and attractiveness of the European and world level.